
Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Important Q & A of English literature (Poetry)

1. Which poem ends 'I shall but love thee better after death'?         Ans- How do I love thee

2. Which poet is considered a national hero in Greece?                   Ans- Lord Byron

3. Which kind of poem is Edward Lear associated with?                  Ans- Nonsense

4. In coleridge's poem 'The rime of the Ancient Mariner where were the three gallants going?      Ans- A wedding

5. Harold Nicholson described which poet as 'Very yellow and glum. Perfect manners'?   Ans- T. S. Elliot

6. What was strange about Emily Dickinson?                                 Ans-She rarely left home

7. Rupert Brooke wrote his poetry during which conflict?                Ans- First World War

8. Which Poet Laureate wrote about a church mouse?                              Ans- Betjeman

9. Which American writer published 'A brave and startling truth' in 1996    Ans- Maya Angelou

10. Who wrote about the idyllic 'Isle of Innisfree'?                                   Ans- W. B. Yeats

11. A pattern of accented and unaccented syllables in lines of poetry-      
Ans- meter

12. The repetition of similar ending sounds                                             Ans- rhyme

13. Applying human qualities to non-human things                                  Ans- personification

14. The repetition of beginning consonant sounds                                   Ans- Alliteration

15. A comparison of unlike things without using a word of comparison such as like or as
Ans- metaphor

16. The comparison of unlike things using the words like or as                 Ans- simile

17. Using words or letters to imitate sounds                                           Ans- onomatopoeia

18. A description that appeals to one of the five senses                           Ans- imagery

19. A poem that tells a story with plot, setting, and characters                 Ans- narrative

20. A poem with no meter or rhyme                                                      Ans- free verse

21. A poem that generally has meter and rhyme                                      Ans- lyric
22. Sylvia Plath married which English poet?                                          Ans-  Hughes

23. Carl Sandburg 'Planked whitefish' contains what kind of imagery?        Ans- War

24. Which influential American poet was born in Long Island in 1819?       Ans- Walt Whitman

25. In 1960 'The Colossus' was the first book of poems published by which poetess?    Ans-  Sylvia Plath

26. In his poem Kipling said 'If you can meet with triumph and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '?   Ans- Disaster

27. Which of the following is not a literary device used for aesthetic effect in poetry?    Ans- Grammar

28. True or false: Writing predates poetry.                                    Ans- False

29. What is the earliest surviving European poem?                         Ans- The Homeric epic

30. Which of the following is not a poetic tradition?                      Ans- The Occult

31. What is the study of poetry's meter and form called?                Ans- Prosody

32. Shakespeare composed much of his plays in what sort of verse?          Ans- Iambic pentameter

33. Which poet invented the concept of the variable foot in poetry?          Ans- William Carlos Williams

34. Who wrote this famous line: 'Shall I compare thee to a summer's day/ Thou art more lovely  
and more temperate…'                                                          Ans- Shakespeare

35. From what century does the poetic form the folk ballad date?   Ans- The 12th

36. From which of Shakespeare's plays is this famous line: 'Did my heart love til now?/ Forswear 
it, sight/ For I never saw a true beauty until this night'             Ans- Romeo and Juliet

37. What is a poem called whose first letters of each line spell out a word?                   Ans- Acrostic

38. Auld Lang Syne is a famous poem by whom?               Ans- Robert Burns

39. How has Stephen Dunn been described in 'the Oxford Companion to 20th Century Poetry?       Ans-  A poet of middleness

40. 'The Cambridge school' refers to a group who emerged when?            Ans- The 1960's

41. Margaret Atwood was born in which Canadian city?        Ans- Ottowa

42. Which words describe the prevailing attitude of High-Modern Literature?     Ans- Skeptical & Impressionistic

43. Which Welsh poet wrote "Under Milk Wood?                            Ans- Dylan Thomas

44. Who wrote Canterbury Tales                                                  Ans- Geoffrey Chaucer

45. Who wrote "The Hound of the Baskervilles?"                            Ans- Arthur Conan Doyle

46. Wlliam Shakespeare is not the author of:                                 Ans - White Devil

47. ___________is a late 20th century play written by a woman?   Ans- Camille

48. Sassoon and Brooke wrote what kind of poetry?                      Ans- War poems

49. Who wrote "Ten Little Niggers?"                                             Ans- Agatha Christie

50. Which are Thomas Hardy books?     
Ans- The Poor Man and the Lady & The Return of Native

51. Who wrote the poems, "On death" and "Women, Wine, and Snuff?"     Ans- John Keats

52. "Of Man's first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste Brought
 death into the world, and all our woe, With loss of Eden." This is an extract from:        Ans- Paradise Lost

53. William Shakespeare was born in the year:                               Ans- 1564

54. Who wrote 'The Winter's Tale?'                                               Ans- William Shakespeare

55. Which is not an English poet (i. e. from England)?                              Ans- Victor Hugo

56. Who was often called as the Romantic Poet as most of his poems revolved around nature?        Ans- William Wordsworth

57. What is the difference between a simile and a metaphor?        Ans- A simile uses as or likes to make a comparison and a metaphor doesn't.

58. What is the word for a "play on words"?                                 Ans- pun

59. Which represents an example of alliteration?        Ans- Peter Piper Picked Peppers

60. What is the imitation of natural sounds in word form?               Ans- Onomatopoeia

61. The theme is ...?         Ans- the point a writer is trying to make about a subject.

62. Concentrate on these elements when writing a good poem.    Ans- theme, purpose, form, and mood.

63. Which is not a poetry form?                                                   Ans- tale 

64. Which is an example of a proverb?   Ans- You can't have your cake and eat it, too

65. Which is an exaggeration?                                                      Ans- Hyperbole 

66. Why did 'Poetry Quarterly' cease publication in 1953?     Ans- Owner convicted of fraud

67. Who has defined 'poetry' as a fundamental creative act using languages?    Ans-Dylan Thomas

68. What is a sonnet?                                                       Ans- A poem of fourteen lines

69. What is study of meter, rhythm and intonation of a poem called as?    Ans- Prosody

70. Which figure of speech is it when a statement is exaggerated in a poem?      
Ans- Hyperbole

71. There was aware of her true love, at length come riding by - This is a couplet from the     Bailiff's Daughter of Islington. What figure of speech is used by the poet?   Ans- Synecdoche

72. Which culture is known for their long, rhymic poetic verses known as Quaysides?     Ans- Arabic

73. Complete this Shakespearean line - Let me not to the marriage of true minds bring:         Ans- Impediments

74. What is the title of the poem that begins thus - 'What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare'?                                                                      Ans- Leisure

75. What is a funny poem of five lines called?                                         Ans- Limerick

76. How did W. H. Auden describe poetry?                          Ans- A game of knowledge.

77. Where did T. S. Eliot spend most of his childhood?                                      Ans- St Louis

78. Ted Hughes was married to which American poetess?                         Ans- Sylvia Plath

79. How old was Rupert Brooke at the time of his death?                         Ans- 28

80. In what form did Dylan Thomas's 'Under Milk Wood' first become known?   
Ans- A radio play

81. The magazine 'Contemporary Poetry and Prose' was inspired by which exhibition?    Ans- The Surrealist Exhibition

82. Aldous Huxley was a poet, but was better known as what?                 Ans- Novelist

83. Of which poet was it said 'Even if he's not a great poet, he's certainly a great something'?   Ans-  Kipling

84. Where were the pilgrims going in the Canterbury tales?      Ans- To the shrine of saint Thomas beckets at Canterbury cathedral which language the stories of Canterbury tale are written?     Ans- Middle English

86. Chaucer's Franklin was guilty of which sin?                              Ans- Gluttony

87. How many languages did Chaucer know?                                 Ans- 4

88.from which language the name ''Chaucer'' has been driven?        Ans- French

89. Where did Chaucer bury?                                                       Ans- Westminster abbey

90. Chaucer was imprisoned during----------------------?                  Ans- hundred years' war

91. How many children Chaucer had?                                           Ans- 4

92.which of these is magnum opus of Chaucer?                             Ans- The Canterbury tales

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Important Q & A of English literature (Poetry)

Other related notes-   
English Pedagogy

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